Monday, July 20, 2009

Another Pit Stop moment....

A few more to add to the series! What are your favorites here?


Karl said...

Of these four, the first sums up so much about life with so many rich metaphors to draw from. The other three are artistically beautiful, yet the first one speaks to me.

Carnelian said...

Love the second picture, shows the beautiful colors in this latrine. I like the idea of the series, very fun. The third picture is a great pose.

Anonymous said...

These are all outstanding in composition, but my favorite is the final image of your profile which has a strong appeal to my eye for it's form and line in contrast to the elements of the environment which make this altogether engaging.

Thanks for sharing. I look forward to more new work as well as exploring your existing photos and blog posts.

You're a true artist, and one of those fantastic "modtographers."

unbearable lightness said...

I like the second look so powerful with the low camera and the power and The Throne!

mary said...

I like the last one. Looks like a statue, fits the whole picture.

Spilt Sugar said...

Thanks everyone! I really love getting feedback from you all!!! It'll help when I finally get the series finished and maybe can get it into a show one day!